Wertheim (pg 1)

The City

The town square with its eclectic architecture.

A fascinating building. You pay for the area of the land upon which you build. But notice how level by level this building encroaches out above the public alley way alongside, probably a third again as wide on the third floor as the first.

It seems that Wertheim is forever flooding. The locals seem quite proud of this and their ability to rebound as is evidence by this marker that records the water levels. After experiencing all of those marks, one would think they would make more of a serious effort to prevent the flooding! Apparently the city made international news during the recent 2011 flood (about a third of the way up the marker). Television crews came to town and found the townsmen wearing their waders grouped around the local bar!

Rathaus, by the way, means city hall. How appropriate.

One of the sobering sights you will encounter as you walk about the towns and villages are little placards such as these. They are embedded in the cobblestone in front of buildings where Jews used to live who were subsequently exterminated during the Nazi atrocities. Simple marks of lives snuffed out.

The Castle Ruins

Impressive castle ruins stretch high above the city. A little cattle car tram takes you up there on a winding little road, which is an interesting adventure in and of itself.

I wanted to climb up to the top of the tower, but we didn't have enough time. Besides, Dru probably would not have let me.