Passau (pg 2)

This is a view of the city from the bishop's residence atop the hill. The Blue Danube is quite muddy with all of the run off and flooding.


Lederhosen, I had to get a picture of lederhosen. Finally, I spotted this elderly gent . . .

. . . and then this group standing in front of the city hall, most likely there to be married.


The Passau Cathedral, the mother church of the Diocese of Passau. The patron saint of the cathedral is St. Stephen, the first Christian Martyr.

The main organ is unbelievably magnificent. Dave attended the noon organ concert. Unfortunately, Dru took a different tour that day and we couldn't get back together in time for both of us to attend. There are actually five independent organs, but they can be played concurrently from the main keyboard. All total, there are 17,974 pipes and 233 registers.