Passau (pg 1)

Passau, a City of Intriguing Side Streets

Passau had the most interesting side streets of the trip. My kind of city. But first, take a look at the building up on top of the hill. When was it built? It looks like 1999, but that clearly can't be. If you look closer, you'll see that the first "9" isn't a "9" at all. It's the upper half of an "8." Half of "8" is "4." Correct! So the bishop's residence was built in 1499. That's what the guide said.

Here we are, parked right downtown.

A little passage way.

Always look to the side. You never know what you're going to see.

The Danube had high water also. There were front loaders clearing mud from this sidewalk alongside the river.

An exquisite little side street.

One of my favorite little side streets. Notice the center dividing line of bricks.

As we were walking down the street, a car pulling a trailer crossed in front of us, continuing on a narrow side street. The cafe owner (at the rear of the trailer) must have spent at least ten minutes giving instructions to the driver, telling him which way to turn so as to miss his tables. Not once did he offer to slide the tables out of the way. And not once did the lady sitting offer to move her chair aside. She just sat there and watched as the trailer passed inches from her.

Doesn't such a side street scene just tug at you?

Passau has its share of flooding too. The flood of 2013 was the worse in over 400 years!