Budapest (Pg 1)

Budapest At Night

One of the great things Uniworld does is when the boat arrives in Budapest, it is parked down towards the southern end of the city next to the main market. That's a convenient location for touring the city. Then, that evening, just after dark, they relocate the boat to the northern end of the city which is more convenient for off loading passengers the next morning. The result for us guests is a magnificent nighttime river tour of Budapest!

The parliament building, truly spectacular and perfectly lit at night.

The most popular view of the city. The building of gold.

The tired couple. We actually weren't feeling all that well. Dru had a bad cough and I had an ear ache, both troublesome since we would be boarding an airplane for the return trip home in a couple of days. We missed the first day of touring Budapest and spent it consulting a doctor instead.

After seeing the doctor we headed off to the pharmacy to pick up our prescriptions. The pharmacies are locked. You have to ring the doorbell and be buzzed in. When we got to the counter, it turned out the doctor had phoned our prescriptions ahead and they were ready for us. Great service.

Our Hotel

I'm standing at the corner of a little plaza looking down the street away from the river towards our hotel. It's on the left down where that gap is between the cars.

Now we're looking the other way towards the river, which is just beyond the end building. That's where our river boat was parked the previous day before they moved it! The pharmacy we used is in the buildings on the distant right. The plaza is just around the corner on the left. Great location. If you turn right at the near intersection, . . .

. . . you find yourself on a pedestrian street which stretches at least a mile to the city center.

On the pedestrian street looking back the other way, you see the Central Market at the far end, just a half block from our hotel, which is around the corner on the left just before the trees.

You wander through all of these magnificent old buildings and you wonder what's in them. This is what's in them. People live there. Here's an array of tenants living in one of the large downtown buildings.

Yeah, I know, side street.