
The City

Bamberg was an interesting city, but since it was Sunday, unfortunately all of the shops were closed. Apparently Bavaria is one of the few parts of the world where religion still takes precedence over money!

A beautiful building.

What an elegant setting. Simple little sidewalk cafés nestled among these impressive ornate buildings.

We were told that the cathedral on top of the hill was very impressive inside. But, again since it was Sunday, continual masses were in progress, so tourists weren't allowed inside. Again, the tourists' dollars lose.

The prince-bishop's humble abode.

Another one of my little side streets, full of contrasts. Modern statue in the foreground, café, colorful buildings and another beautiful church in the background.

The Pig Farm

In the afternoon we took a tour of a pig farm. Yep, a pig farm. It was more than just pigs. The owner was the only one in the village of 93 who still farms. He has several fields, some of them leased from the others who stopped farming, plus he has a nice compound where he runs a bed and breakfast, has a wine cellar and an adjacent camp ground.

Remember Mary Ann and Vernon from Connecticut? Well, they were celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary this day.

"What did you do on your 40th wedding anniversary?"

"We went to a pig farm."

The village had a cute little chapel. Apparently there have been squabbles in the past with the diocese over the need for such a small village to have a chapel. But the villagers prevailed.

Down into the wine cellar for freshly baked bread and local wine. The bread was great.

A view of the country side with some of the farmer's fields in the foreground. Note the little box-like structure in the center of the picture. That's a hunting blind. They are all over the place.

Here's another hunting blind on the edge of a field.

From the right, our friends Desi & Sandy, Sharon & Frank with Carolyn down at the left.