
Welcome to our web site. Most of the things here are of interest only to family and friends. Explore as you like.

2017: Italy and Caroline & Giuseppe's Wedding!

In mid-September, we visited Italy after our Baltic cruise described below. This was the highlight of our 28-day European trip. Not only did we spend four wonderful days in Venice and take in some highlights of Florence, but we attended Dave's great niece's wedding in Faenza, Italy. It was an amazing Cinderella wedding, which hopefully you will experience a little of as you puruse the Pictures from Italy.

2017: Cruising the Baltics

In August/September 2017 we cruised the Baltic Sea, visiting eight countries in 12 days, including three unforgetable days in St. Petersburg, Russia. The pictures aren't ready yet, but they are on the way.

2016: Our 50th Wedding Anniversary!

In June of 2016, we celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary with a 15 day river cruise in central Europe from Amsterdam to Budapest. Pull up a chair and check out our 50th Anniversary Photos.

Other Stuff

Highlights are shown above. There are some miscellaneous things tucked away in the Other Stuff page.


Yes, we have a little bit of that too. Take a look. We try not to list folks by name who are still living for obvious reasons. Give the Surname list a check. Who knows, you might find ancesters of your own in there and thus discover a common intersection. Here is our Genealogy.

What do we do?

Both Dru and Dave are actively involved in their church, Trinity Episcopal Church of Escondido, CA. In worship, Dave serves as an Eucharistic Minister and Dru as an Acolyte. Trinity is known as a friendly, very welcoming church. Trinity's Rector, The Reverend Meg Decker, is an amazing preacher, perfect for these modern times. Check us out: www.trinityescondido.org.


Prayers & Squares
Heads church chapter. P&S makes prayer quilts for those who are ill or facing crisis, including quilts for Wounded Warriors.
Altar Guild
Heads one of four teams; prepares the altar for worship every fourth Sunday.
Trinity ToyMakers
ToyMakers sew doll quilts for wooden cradles given to needy children at Christmas.
Parish Social
Stocks kitchen supplies. Plans and leads parish funeral receptions and other social functions.
Gently Hugged
Gently Hugged collects baby clothing and recycles them to new parents. Dru prepares clothing and helps in the office.


USS Midway Museum
Volunteers weekly as a docent. USS Midway Museum is rated by TripAdvisor as #1 thing to do when visiting San Diego.
F8 Crusader Association
Non-Profit Association comprising pilots who flew the Navy's F8 Crusader fighter aircraft. Serves as President and on Board of Directors.
Episcopal Diocese of San Diego
Currently serves on Nominating Committee for the next Bishop of the Diocese.
Serves as unofficial photographer at parish events and diocesan convention.
Web Sites
Maintains several personal and organization web sites.

Comments? Feedback? Question? Contact Dave.